February hog blog

Traditionally another quiet month for hog roast events like January but lots of enquiries to deal with and quotes to send. A month when people with summer weddings are looking to secure catering bookings and it would appear a month when 2012 weddings are starting to be planned. steadily securing bookings for the year ahead with certain popular dates getting booked up.

On top of following leads and taking bookings for the year ahead it is a time to brief the established workforce about the year ahead and expectations and acquire new staff for waiting duties. This year we at Spitting Pig Lincolnshire are concentrating on wedding catering and therefore need a greater pool of waiting staff to select from, luckily there are a number of young people in our village and neighbouring villages with waiting experience who are looking for weekend work. We can call upon agency staff but it is better to have known capable people to call upon.

Still in the middle of relocating our stores to a new outbuilding as a dose of the flu and a following cold set me behind schedule. We will be ordering racking this week and painting walls the come the transfer of equipment from the old store, performing a stock check at the same time.

During this month we will be cleaning our poly tunnel and preparing the beds for tomatoes and will plant the tomato seeds under heat. This year we intend to grow a variety of tomatoes and lettuce for use in our various menus.

So maybe February is not such a quiet month after all.