A BBQ at Work? No Problem for Hog Roast Lincoln!

When the sun comes out in the midweek it can be the worst feeling since we’re all still just stuck at work and can’t make the most of it. That is, unless you do take steps to make the most of it like our own corporate client did this past week by employing the outdoor dining and barbecuing services of their favourite corporate caterer Hog Roast Lincoln!

Hog Roast Lincoln is proud to be able to deliver often on the spot lunch services for our business client. As part of our corporate catering we offer special workplace visits so that our clients can feed their own team from time to time with a special Hog Roast Lincoln lunch. This service is often done by a recurring basis, but often with our corporate clients it can be a spur of the moment thing. In such Hog Roast Lincolncases, if we have worked with a corporate client regularly and already know the ins and outs of the jobsite and their wants, then as a corporate caterer we can actually manage these jobs with a much shorter lead time to our other events. It is one of the massive benefits to remaining a loyal corporate partner of ours as we can continue to offer more expediated services with less advance notice required.

One such case came this week from a corporate client seeing the sun and wanting to make the most of it, even while still in the office. To do so, they called up the Hog Roast Lincoln team and requested a barbecue for the Friday afternoon. This call came in on Tuesday, but since we knew the client and the jobsite well, and we had an open slot, we were able to accept even with the short turnaround time. Our chefs came out just before midday on the Friday and got to work prepping our foods. Come lunchtime, the entire staff came out to the parking lot and enjoyed a delicious barbecue lunch out in the sun!

A quick top up of the tan and a few homemade burgers and sausages will do wonders for workplace morale, and sends everyone off into the weekend the right way!